Disorganism – Eugene-Leipzig-Varaždin-Frome
Disorganism, as Thébru Čelet, is a multidisciplinary artist in experimental music and film. He is also known for running the…
Sunken Fence – Lotic
Lotic combines the compositorial process of both experimental sound projects Sunken Lanes and Fencepost . Here meet drony and noisy…
Cumsleg Borenail – Position Of The Crucifixion Sun
Scripture derived, Crucifixion concepts et al concept:Conceptual:ptual. Israel/Isreality, soujourn et al France prior owt passing. First AD concept, Roman C.E.…
Lauré Lussier – Darkness
Darkness is a long-form recording with elements of classical instrumentations, drone soundscapes and spoken words by Kate Bosworth.
Vacant Possession & Basic Tape Loops – Intimate Spaces Of Everyday Life
After their first collaboration track for the AM 5th Anniversary compilation, the album Intimate Spaces Of Everyday Life is the…
INYAN – Earth
With Earth, INYAN celebrates the four directions as a powerful tool to heal and grow spiritually to find balance within…
Nelly Quist – Vivid Echo
After the first two EPs Now or Never and Junction/Koppling, Vivid Echo follows Nelly Quist’s typical sound of heavy tribal…
digitalsakura – geopolitik
geopolitik refers to a theoretical framework that seeks to explain international politics and relations through an analysis of geography, culture,…
Manuel Carbone – Tutto il resto sparisce
Zieht Noise, also knisterndes Rauschen, arhythmisches, metallisches Klappern oder gelegentliches Erklingen einer verzerrten Melodie, wie er aus modifizierten Field Recordings…