Francis Theberge – The Burial Of William B.
Francis Theberge creates his sound art in a very unique way. He adapted his process from generating his video art.
Signalstoerung – Sounds Of 2020
Signalstoerung presents his favorite sounds from 2020 in three parts featuring music by 2Kilos & More, Ana Bogner, Asher Tuil,…
Hendekagon – A New Beginning
This past year was, for the most of us, a challenging one. Some of us has to overcome fear, struggling…
hym-zen pt. 1
Adventurous Music starts a new podcast series curated by Signalstoerung featuring music from here and then by the labels Ant-Zen…
One Little DJane – A Flipbook Adventure
Just in time for her 20th anniversary as a sound artist INYAN surprises us with this flipbook adventure and a…
INYAN – Relatives Schoensein
INYAN's performance at the Relatives Schoensein Exhibition Vernissage at Sowiewir Leipzig.
Francis Theberge & Hendekagon – Trimmed, Trammed & Truncated
Part 4 of the Adventurous Music Digital Series is filled with field recordings, manipulated sounds and ambient noises. After over…
V. A. – Relatives Schoensein
Relatives Schoensein is a non-profit art collaboration. The book shows photographs of excerpts of weathered and partly destroyed street art.…
Signalstoerung – Viel Laerm Um Nichts
Whether you do not play a tape or are unable to get a radio signal, there are still sounds you…