Luiz Ser Eu – Whales Are Flying Above And Below Spaceship Earth

“Music is truly alive.
It isn’t invisible or disappears after being played. It may disappear, but only if it wants to.
I loved drawing and painting ever since I can remember, but at a certain point, I understood that I needed to paint through music, because it is infinite and can show ideas, feelings, and truths in multidimensional ways. It never stops playing.
If someone can’t hear it right now it is because it’s being played in its own dimension, or it may be heard if one simply opens a window.
Every song that understands what it is, never stops.
I have been creating music for 8 years non-stop, and I will never stop. I don’t try to control its way. I talk to the music and it talks to me. When some form of creation is born, it should be free.
I also never stopped painting, and I never will.

This album is about a lot of different states of mind that happen when reaching higher planes of consciousness or ideas through different mindsets.
A big part of what is taught to people tends to fragment parts of their day, their lives and their time, although if someone stops and feels the entirety of their existence, vision and feel, it can become clear how everything is connected.
Every track is in the same universe as the others but in different speeds of consciousness. A lot is happening in them, but if all the information of the music is understood then little can be happening. And that’s great.
The listener can and should hear one track and try to connect its feeling to the others, and vice versa.
The stillness, tranquility is always present, if the ear also is.

The pieces were made with multiple techniques, involving modular synthesis, random calculus formula creation to form a stable pace, improvisation, microtonal scales and odd time signatures.” Luiz Ser Eu